When I was fourteen, I came across a quote from Dickens which struck a chord: a smattering of everything and a knowledge of nothing.
It seemed to sum me up then, and it still does.
Combine this with The Idiot Teacher, where Homes tries to stimulate the kids by challenging them to start a museum of uninteresting things, the only rule being that the objects really have to have no interest in them at all. The kids themselves had to review the objects and decide whether to admit them. And of course the museum stayed empty.
I owe a life of messing about to a combination of these ideas.
And messing about throws up some failures. Well, OK, lots of failures. And some failures where I just haven't seen the possibilities yet.
I really liked doing this, for example:
What is it for ? Good question.
I saw some amazing pyrography, but thought the lines were a bit shaky, like arthritic handwriting. But it struck me that I could do the same with a router and paint, and do it more accurately and more quickly. It worked. But what next ? Who knows ? So far nobody likes this even a bit, so maybe this needs more thought.
How about this ?
It's halfway to being a clock, and I wanted it to be very simple. I live in The Now, or try to, and I thought maybe just a second hand would be good. Too urgent, apparently. An hour hand only ? Too vague. A minute hand ? Well, there is no suiting some people.
Current thinking is to have three identical clocks, one with each of the three hands on.....
It's tough having a smattering........