Well, here we are.
The virus is raging and the supermarkets are keen to help.
Sainsbury's big plan is to have heath service staff in the store for the first half hour of the day, followed by the elderly and infirm for an hour, folowed by the hordes for the rest of the day.
But wait. Have I heard right ?
From what we know so far NHS workers are very likely to be in daily contact with Co-vid19, and they have inadequate protective equipment. So they go in the store, picking things up, putting things back, holding tight to trolleys and baskets. Maybe a light sneeze here and there.
Who do we let in next ? The most vulnerable group. Most vulnerable in the sense that they are most likely to die if they contract the dreaded virus.
They go in the store, picking things up, putting things back, holding
tight to trolleys and baskets. Maybe a light sneeze here and there.
Does this make any sense at all ?
Menawhile, in Colorado, my son goes to the store with his family. The store let in very small numbers, and the queue otuside is orderly and well-spaced. Once in the store, the trolley is wiped down by staff, and the customer is asked to clean his/ her hands with disinfectant wipes provided.
At the checkout, there is a single line, again, well-spaced, and people queue with no jostling.
As one customer leaves, another is admitted.
Too sensible for here ?
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