Tuesday 29 March 2016

Q & A

These aren't my questions. Every Saturday, the Guardian Magazine asks a bunch of celebrities for their views, and uses some of the questions below as a stimulus. I am pretty sure that the interview is done over the phone, and there isn't much time to think.

The spontaneous responses are really fascinating: some characters are insightful, moving, thought-provoking, while others answer with monosyllabic platitudes. In most cases you feel that you learn something about the person giving the answers, whatever style they adopt.

They don't ask ALL these questions, but just a selection. Some questions come more or less every week, while others appear now and then. The list below comprises questions collected over weeks.

No idea who complied the list originally, but taken together they are a work of genius. I think it's the deceptive simplicity which seduces the answerer into disclosure.

The categories are mine, and just seemed to make sense when I had collated all the questions I could find. If they don't help, ignore them.

Anyway, if the answers are fun to read, the questions are great to try out yourself, as long as you don't over-think the answers. And of course, trying them out on friends is the best !

It's also interesting to note the ones you avoid, or want to avoid.

Go on. Try them out. It's fun.

Thanks, Guardian.

·         When were you happiest ?
·         What is your earliest memory ?
·         What did you want to be when you were growing up ?
·         What is the most important lesson life has taught you ?
·         When did you last cry ?
·         What was your most embarrassing moment ?
·         What has been your biggest disappointment ?
·         What was the closest you came to death ?

Other people
·         What is the worst thing anyone’s ever said to   you ?
·         What was the best kiss of your life ?
·         What do you owe your parents ?

·         Aside from property, what’s the most expensive thing you have bought ?
·         Which book changed your life ?

·         What do you consider your greatest    achievement ?
·         What does love feel like ?
·         What is your greatest fear ?
·         What is the trait you most deplore in yourself ?
·         What do you most dislike about your    appearance ?
·         What is your most unappealing habit ?
·         What is your favourite word ?
·         How often do you have sex ?
·         Where would you like to be right   now ?
·         Tell me a joke.
·         What is your guiltiest pleasure ?
·         What words or phrases do you most overuse ?
·         What is your favourite smell ?
·         Do you prefer dogs or cats ?

Other people
·         Who or what is the greatest love of your life ?
·         What is the trait you most deplore in others ?
·         To whom would you most like to say sorry ?
·         Is it better to give or receive ?

·         What’s your most treasured possession ?
·         What’s your favourite piece of music ?

·         What single thing would most improve the quality of your life ?
·         What would your superpower be ?
·         If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose ?
·         How would you like to be remembered ?
·         If you could edit your past, what would you change ?

Other people
·         Who would you invite to your dream dinner-party ?
·         Who would play you in a film of your life ?

·         What music do you want played at your funeral ?

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